Penis enlargement is possible, on this there is no doubt. Even if you ignore the fact that we are now in an era in which women can change their busts or lips quite easily, the process of stretching the flaccid elements of your body is a thing that started with the first civilizations.
People have, actually, been extending nostrils, earlobes, lips and, yes, penises ever since old times.
And if you might be still doubtful, only read about a lot of civilizations all the way through past which has worn rings to elongate their necks to abnormal dimensions.
Therefore, you have not a single reason to believe the body will not react to continuous pressure applied to the penis by increasing its length.
You can find testimonials and several clinical trials to support this idea, and except if a lot of people are cheating or deluding us collectively, we need to believe there is some validity to the topic.
Once we throw away all the desperately exaggerated statements and unavoidable marketing fuzz, what remains is the constantly reappearing and quite rational opinion that a proper followed routine with a certified penis extender can enhance its length by about 1 inch (2.25 cm).
Significantly, we also have medical studies that only add credibility to this reality. Probably the most meaningful health proof refers to the testing performed at the University of Turin, in Italy. This clinical study followed 16 men who used the stretcher for 5 hours each day during a 6 month time. The subject’s penises were measured periodically and the outcomes revealed major and long-term penis size gains of “1.7 for the flaccid and 2.3 cm for the erected length”.
The evidence of the trials was released in the British Journal of Urology International and has been accepted by the health community as introductory proof of the effectiveness of penis extenders systems. It needs to be mentioned that, while some associated improvement in girth, was reported, it was not considered important in percentage to the noted growth in length.
Because there are many involved groups in the penis enhancement marketplace, we could be assured that further scientific trials and exploration would follow. We could, still, even now confidently state that not just is bigger penis realistic, it may be done risk-free and easily and without needing surgeries or other risky treatments.
The best penis extenders on the market today have around 15 years of construction behind them, then while on the one side we could be optimistic that we are going into a world where the products are reliable in evolutionary terms and proven to successfully handle numerous, if not all, of the common uncomfortable side effects linked to this treatment method, there is absolutely no need not to think that additional development will not show results to more productive penis enlargement solutions.